Kawasaki VN1500

Kawasaki VN1500
Kawasaki VN1500

15 mars, 2022

Mathematics - then and now in Norway

  • Mathematics in 1950
    A logger sells a carload of timber for NOK 1,000.
    The lumberjack's costs are 4/5 of the price.
    What does the lumberjack earn from the sale?

  • Mathematics in 1960
    A logger sells a carload of timber for NOK 1,000.
    The lumberjack's costs are 4/5 of the price, or NOK 800.
    What does the lumberjack earn from the sale?

  • Mathematics in 1970
    A logger trades a carload T (for timber)
    against a sum P (for money.) The base number for T is 100.
    Each item is worth a penny.
    Make 100 dots to represent the elements T. K (costs)
    contains 20 fewer than in the base number P.

    Derive K as a differentiable of P and answer the following questions:

    What is the base figure for F (profit)?

  • Mathematics in 1980
    A logger sells a carload of timber for NOK 10,000.
    The lumberjack's costs are NOK 8,000 and the profit is NOK 2,000.
    Underline the number 2,000.

  • Mathematics in 1990
    By cutting down the trees, the logger earns NOK 2,000.
    What do you think about this way of making a living?

    Investigate the following questions:
    How did the birds and animals of the forest react to the logger cutting down the trees.
    - There are no wrong answers.

  • Mathematics in 2000
    A timber company outsources all its loggers.
    The average lumber worker in this company
    earned NOK 285,000 a year, had 3 weeks' holiday and all the usual social benefits.
    A hired logger's hourly price is NOK 500.

    Did it make sense for the company to outsource all the loggers?

01 mars, 2022

Non Stop

Det begynner å bli en stund siden sist jeg koste meg med Non Stop.
Denne gangen var det Nons Stop i Påske Edition som skulle under lupen.